Tuesday 19 June 2007

Good and chattels

The boxes arrived bright and early yesterday. Having no real space for everything, only the girls' desks were assembled and some of their books and toys unpacked. Everything else is now in the garage. Today I set up a book shelf. Not a screwdriver to be seen in the house, so it all got put together with a sommelier's knife and a spanner which acted as a hammer. Women can be so resourceful!
The accumulation of yet more things is causing much angst. I crave a more streamlined existance. Work has started to clear space for the things we need and want to keep and to separate the things we do not need/want into charity piles and things for the rubbish tip. A few bits have gone to an online auction site, but there seems to be a lull in online trading at present. Wanting a more simple life comes with age. We in fact need much less than we all have to live well. If any of you have any ideas about how you streamline and downsize, please pass them on.

1 comment:

Kaz said...

mmmmm.....dpwnsize & simplify - it is but a dream for me too....I dwell on it a lot but living in the good ol' US of A - centre of all that is consumerism - doesn't make it easy. Good luck with that!