Monday 19 September 2011


Work has ground to a snail like pace on the baby blanket. It is hard to look at it at times, because baby and my brother and his lovely wife are leaving London in about 6 weeks to live in Asia. His dream has finally come true and it is wonderful news, but so, so sad. I have never lived with my brother in our family home. He was born when I was away at boarding school, in another country. By the time he started boarding school, I had graduated from uni and was working. It was up to me to watch over him as our parents were so far away. I went to cricket and rugby matches, took him and his friends for weekends. Took them to the movies, fed them and gave them tuck to take back to school. I then left for Japan and he felt abandoned. When we arrived in the UK, he was already in London, so we have had more than four years of sharing good times like Christmas and weekends and even a trip to France.
I am going to miss him and his little family so much, and once more, I will be living on the other side of the world to my parents and all my siblings....

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